An oval on each side of the fore-end has “Henry” cut into it. The wrist of the buttstock and fore-end possesses a delicate floral scroll inside the checkering pattern that is both beautiful and functional. Both the buttstock and fore-end were tightly grained, and Henry laser-cut them with checkering. The wood on our sample was equally impressive. Henry takes great pride in building its guns exclusively from American-made parts and components. In addition to the receiver, Henry also makes the barrel band and buttplate from brass, and they provide a pleasing contrast to the high-polish blued parts, including the gun’s bolt, lever and barrel. A closer look at the brass parts revealed them to be expertly polished without scratches or casting marks. Initial inspection revealed the Side Gate to be of heirloom quality, with its highly polished two-piece brass receiver and beautiful walnut furniture. Our test sample for the following review was chambered in the very popular. (already approved for use in Single Action Shooting Society competitions) and. This marks a major evolution for the company since resurrecting the Henry name back in 1997, this is the first lever-action produced by the manufacturer that offers a traditional side-loading gate. Developed to answer consumer demand, and designed to offer the shooter the best of both worlds, the lever gun’s tubular magazine can be loaded either from the front, in typical Henry fashion, or at the receiver via a gate on the right side.

I n the spring of 2019, Henry Repeating Arms introduced the new Side Gate Lever Action rifle in a number of chamberings.